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Stress Baking: recipes for the days ahead of us

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When you’re stuck at home, there’s little that’s more soothing and rewarding than engaging in some stress baking.

Baking is predictable. If you follow the instructions things turn out pretty well.

There’s nothing scary about it. The stakes are low. No one will die if you screw this up.

And, unless you have a major disaster in the process (a la Nailed It), you get something delicious at the end of it.

Here’s a collection of the recipes I turn to when I need to de-stress.

They include sweet and savory options. They’re generally unfussy. And they are accessible to a mediocre baker.

Recipes for Stress Baking

If you’re an absolute beginner with baking, the crisps and crumbles and the granola are good places to start.

You can swap out the fruit in the crisps and crumbles for whatever you have around. And you can use frozen fruit—frozen blueberries and raspberries are always good.

If you’ve baked much of anything before, you should be able to handle any of this.

The tarts are the fussiest of the lot, but if you want a bit of a challenge with a big payoff, they’re so worth it. (And you can swap out the crust in any tart for my favorite easy tart crust.)

Recipes & Inspiration for Stress Baking

Recipes for Stress Baking

If you find yourself in need of a soothing baking project, I've got you covered!

This list of my go-tos for procrastibaking includes a range of baking projects from cookies and brownies to cakes to pies and tart, along with a smattering a breakfasty things likes muffins and scones and cinnamon rolls.

There's also a recipe for no-knead brioche, which is so ridiculously easy and good.

Most of these keep for several days or longer. Most can be scaled down (the pies and tarts are trickier) if you don't want so much around.

They aren't the kind of show-offy projects that require piping skills or rolled fondant, and they should be doable for anyone with a basic baking skills.

And don't miss the blondies. The effort-to-reward ratio on them is tough to beat.

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