Here she is, a fall treat about as basic as they come: pumpkin bread. I mean, it’s bread in the same way that banana bread is bread, which is to say that it’s pretty much cake that you can get away with eating for breakfast. There are about eleventy-billion versions of pumpkin bread out there. …
It’s tough to beat apple crisp for a low effort dessert that’s pure comfort. It’s a dessert that’s like my favorite well-worn hoodie. It’s not flashy or particularly stylish, but when there’s a chill in the air it’s the first thing I reach for. Everyone should have an apple crisp recipe or two in their …
Carrot cake has a tendency to veer into maximalist territory. If you let it, it can become a multi-layer affair with not just shredded carrots, but pineapple and raisins and even shredded coconut. But this simple carrot loaf cake is not like that. It is carrot cake stripped down to its essentials. This minimalist carrot …
Here they are. Warm, soft whirls of dough. They’re coffee cardamom morning buns. And they’re just the thing for a weekend brunch. When you want something sweet but not too sweet. And familiar and comforting but not boring. And special but not too much trouble to make from start to finish in one morning. These …
This ginger syrup is a favorite for me. It makes the best ginger ale. It’s sweet and spicy and complex. I used to imagine ginger ale was one of those mysterious beverages that required a lab or a factory or complicated equipment to produce. (I used to feel the same way about tonic.) It turns …
I was hoping to bake these orange cardamom snowflake cookies last week, because they are seriously some of my favorite cookies of all time and I wanted to share them with you in time to add them to your holiday baking list. But I couldn’t. My refrigerator was out of commision for 5 long days …