The Doctor is an old cocktail that’s taken many forms, but at its core, the drink is a celebration of Swedish punsch and some kind of citrus. Usually these days there’s a bit of rum in it as well, making it much like the modern daiquiri. Only it’s spicier and brawnier and infinitely more complex, …
There was a time in my life when if you told me I would be drinking a cocktail with raw egg white, I would have said you were crazy. I didn’t realize that when shaken in a cocktail shaker, egg whites get frothy and foamy like meringue and add a lovely creamy body to a …
Outfitting a home bar is pretty easy if you know what to look for. But it’s easy to get lost in the weeds. These items are great for anyone who is just getting into cocktail making or looking to upgrade their old bar set from college that isn’t cutting it anymore. (Click on the image …
Eggnog is a divisive beverage. It inspires strong feelings. There are some who look forward to the time of year when it’s socially acceptable to down a glass of frothy nutmeg-topped egg and cream, and others who consider it a gloppy scourge of the holiday season. I have always fallen firmly into the former camp. …
A Mezcal Mule, beaded with condensation, is a beautiful thing. Especially when the weather is oppressive. It’s been so hot and humid these last few weeks that when I step outside it feels like the air around me is sweating. My naturally wavy hair, which I straighten these days, has developed a persistent swoop that …
This ginger syrup is a favorite for me. It makes the best ginger ale. It’s sweet and spicy and complex. I used to imagine ginger ale was one of those mysterious beverages that required a lab or a factory or complicated equipment to produce. (I used to feel the same way about tonic.) It turns …