A gin and tonic is a fine drink. It’s tough to beat on a summer day, with its effervescence and its botanical fragrance and its hit of citrus. Its anti-malarial properties from quinine famously protected the British from malaria in India and Africa, a complicated sort of honor in the way that the project of global …
Homemade soda
I’m sitting here cuddled up on the couch with my dog, Inka, for the fifth day in a row (!). It seems she’s learned, after more than two years of mostly keeping a watchful eye on me from her chair (or actually, one of her chairs…), that curling up next to me is a sure …
I love elderflowers. When I saw that Seedling Farm was selling them at the Green City Market last week, I immediately bought a flat of them. They are delicate tiny flowers that have a brief season and a big heady fragrance. They are mildly floral, slightly anise-y, and they pair beautifully with citrus flavors. They’re …
It wasn’t until a few years ago that I even knew what flavor grenadine was supposed to be. If I’d had to guess I might have gone with a hesitant cherry??? or whatever flavor the Michigan-made Faygo Red Pop I grew up with is supposed to be. It would have taken me numerous wrong guesses before I would …
It’s getting to the time of summer when it seems that what I want more than anything is a cool drink in my hand. It can be anything from water to lemonade to cold brewed iced tea, but something I’ve done more and more in the last few years is make homemade syrups to add …