January has been a month of getting back into the ordinary and the routine. Since we packed up our old apartment, moved into our new condo in October, travelled to both ends of the country in November, and enjoyed the usual rumble of holiday frivolity in December and the beginning of the new year, we …
Cumin seed
Summer calls out for salads like this one. It’s bold and colorful and crunchy and spicy and refreshing. I’ll admit I don’t think about green beans all that often. It’s not that I don’t like them. It’s just that I forget about them amid the bounty of summer vegetables that are crowding the farmers markets …
In the summer, I love to make the sort of meals that can be tossed together in a big bowl and served at room temperature. I get cranky in the heat, and it’s better for everyone if I don’t spend much time standing over a hot stove. It’s better still if, after everything is …